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Beaten but unbroken


Name an emotion, any emotion, and I’ll wager survivors of the largest wildfire in Texas history have experienced it over the last fourteen days. Foreboding? Yep. Disbelief? Uh huh.

Terror, anxiety, heartbreak, anger, despair, shock, relief, gratitude, guilt, love, numbness, compassion, empathy, grief? Check and double check.

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State Capital Highlights


Early voting ends Friday
Early voting in the March 5 primary election ends Friday with a host of candidates on the ballot in both parties, including president, U.S. Senate, all 38 Texas U.S. representatives, all 150 Texas House representatives, and down to local races for district attorney, sheriff and other positions.
Check with your local elections office for more information or go to votetexas.gov.

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Some 'GOP Groups' are lying to Republican voters


EDITOR’S NOTE: We are re-publishing this editorial, written by State Representative Jared Patterson (R-HD 106), to call our readers’ attention to the primary election assault by far right-wing organizations on several conservative Republican members of the Texas House of Representatives—including our own State Representative Ken King—who cast votes against state funding for school vouchers.

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My reasons for voting in some Republican Primary races


I AM A RETIRED TRIAL ATTORNEY whose undergraduate work was in government and history. I have researched candidates in some contested Republican races by looking primarily at the websites of candidates and Wikipedia. As in the past, I am sharing my reasons for supporting selected candidates should the reader care to consider them.

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A thank you note


LAST WEEK, I RECEIVED a call from Hemphill County Deputy Oscar Ortega that my elderly cousin and her husband were lost and needed help. I was confused because they live in Temple, Texas—some 400 miles south of Canadian.

Apparently, three days earlier they set out to pay bills in Temple and simply got lost. Not only were they 400 miles from home, they were out of money and needed help.

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Congress’ failure to stop Medicare payment cut threatens Texas physicians, patients


Texas Medical Association (TMA) President Rick W. Snyder II, MD, made this statement regarding Congress’ inaction to stop a 3.37% Medicare physician payment cut which took effect on Jan. 1.

“Texas Medical Association physicians are extremely disappointed Congress let Medicare patients down.